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Assalamualaikum.Alhamdulillah sesangat..alhamdulillah kepada Allah di atas segalanya...Semalam mak ayah, ende dan cik Ha hantar balik kat rumah...mak ayah naik la sampai tingkat 10 tu...alhamdulillah tak terasa penatnya sebab ada khidmat LIFT! Alhamdulillah...kalau takde lift...memang la cepat teman kurus..heheheKeranamu jerebu, ana cuti jumaat lepas...balik negeri sembilan awal pagi...sebetulnya atok dan wan tak sihat kat Kg Tengkek tu. Gi rumah Mak Mah dan Ayah Abas...kat Gemas..selepas urusan ayah selesai kat Tampin, Negeri Sembilan. Makan tengahhari kat rumah Mak Mah dan Ayah Abas...depa tu merangkap mak ayah angkat ana gak tu..ditambah merangkap bestfriend mak ayah! Lepas Asar bertolak balik ke Kg Tengkek..memakan masa hampir 1 jam jugak la...ana yg drive...ops, ana drive masa kat Tampin sampai Gemas tadi.Sampai kg, Yong sekeluarga dah ada...malam tu..tidur pakai tudung gak la kat hall dapur tu..sederet 5 orang...ayah, mak, ana, cik Ha dan ende...jadi anak manja la cuti kali ni..yela dapat berkepit dengan mak ayah...memang best!!!Pepagi Sabtu tu lepas basuh baju, sidai baju bawa mak+ende+cik Ha dan zikril gi Batu Kikir pergi pasar nak beli lauk...ayah tinggal kat rumah..tgk Astro..rumah wan dan ada astro...macam tak caya je..bebila teringat zaman dulu, zaman kecik2 dulu..kalau balik kampung memang perit la, dgn tv nya tak dapat siaran, dengan nak gi toilet kena angkut air, kalau malam memang agak 'takut' la sebab toilet kat luar, tapi sekarang alhamdulillah, toilet dah ada air sendiri walaupun masih kat luar lagi, lampu jalan pun, takde problemo la kalau peru meragam waktu malam..hehehe Sekarang alhamdulillah keadaan dah ok...getting better, tinggal coverage takde je kat rumah wan, kalau tak mesti banyak dapat sms heheheCerita pasal sms teringat la plak, ana dapat banyak miskol dari nombor yang tak dikenali...apasal la plak glamour semenjak dua menjak ni...pelik gak kan?? takpela, ada la tu....Petang sabtu dah mula ramai adik2 mak balik....induk sekeluarga, mak andak sekeluarga, atih sekeluarga, makcik sekeluarga...Ya Allah rupanya mereka dah pakat2 nak balik kg kalau mak balik..tu pasal la penuh rumah wan. Almaklum sajala sejak mak ayah duk perak ni memang julung2 kalinya mak ayah balik n9, tambahan mak aritu operation...lagi lama delaynya...So far, seronok la balik kampung bebaru n i..memang best..alhamdulillah cuma sedih je nampak keuzuran terpancar pada fizikal wan dan atok...sedih sangat...p/s:kekadang terfikir..macam manala keadaan bila dah tua nanti ek? wallahua'lam
9 jenis syaitan dan karektornya
Umar al-Khattab r.a berkata, terdapat 9 jenis anak syaitan... 1. Zalituun Duduk di pasar/kedai supaya manusia hilang sifat jimat cermat. Menggoda supaya manusia berbelanja lebih dan membeli barang-barang yang tidak perlu. 2. Wathiin Pergi kepada orang yang mendapat musibah supaya bersangka buruk terhadap Allah. 3. A'awan Menghasut sultan/raja/pemerintah supaya tidak mendekati rakyat. Seronok dengan kedudukan/kekayaan hingga terabai kebajikan rakyat dan tidak mahu mendengar nasihat para ulama. 4. Haffaf Berkawan baik dengan kaki botol. Suka menghampiri orang yang berada di tempat-tempat maksiat (cth: disko, kelab mlm & tempat yg ada minuman keras). 5. Murrah Merosakkan dan melalaikan ahli dan orang yg sukakan muzik sehingga lupa kepada Allah. Mereka ini tenggelam dalam keseronokan dan glamour etc. 6. Masuud Duduk di bibir mulut manusia supaya melahirkan fitnah, gosip, umpatan dan apa sahaja penyakit yg mula dari kata-kata mulut. 7. Daasim (# BERILAH SALAM SEBELUM MASUK KE RUMAH...) Duduk di pintu rumah kita. Jika tidak memberi salam ketika masuk ke rumah, Daasim akan bertindak agar berlaku keruntuhan rumahtangga (suami isteri bercerai-berai,suami bertindak ganas, memukul isteri, isteri hilang pertimbangan menuntut cerai, anak-anak didera dan pelbagai bentuk kemusnahan rumah tangga lagi). 8. Walahaan Menimbulkan rasa was-was dalam diri manusia khususnya ketika berwuduk dan solat dan menjejaskan ibadat-ibadat kita yg lain. 9. Lakhuus Merupakan sahabat orang Majusi yang menyembah api/matahari
Ambillah waktu untuk berfikir. Itu adalah sumber kekuatanAmbilah waktu untuk bermain, itu adalah rahsia dari masa muda yang abadiAmbillah waktu untuk berdoa, itu adalah sumber ketenanganAmbilah waktu untuk belajar, itu adalah sumber kebijaksanaan.Ambillah waktu untuk mencintai dan dicintai, itu adalah hak istimewa yang di berikan oleh tuhanAmbillah waktu untuk bersahabat, itu adalah jalan menuju kebahagianAmbillah waktu untuk tertawa, itu adalah muzik yang mengetarkan hatiAmbillah waktu untuk memberi, itu adalah membuat hidup terasa berertiAmbillah waktu untuk bekerja, itu adalah bilai keberhasilanAmbillah waktu untuk beramal, itu adalah menuju ke syurga
A team led by biomechanics expert Andrew Martin from the Institute for Technical Zoology and Bionics in Bremen, Germany, examined the feet of a small jumping spider (Evarcha arcuata) under an electron microscope. The images they obtained revealed sequences of long hairs (setae) under its feet, as in other spiders. The underside of each of these hairs was covered by even finer hairs (setules) with tipstriangular. In order to determine what kind of adhesion forces were involved, the scientists measured the adhesive force between the spider's foot and a small probe, using a method more frequently employed in materials science. The researchers' calculations showed that a spider hanging from the ceiling by contact through approximately 600,000 setules sets up an adhesive force capable of supporting 173 times its own body weight. Interpreting these results, Martin concluded that the spider adhered to surfaces through van der Waals forces (the electrostatic attraction that emerges between molecules 1/1,000,000 of a millimeter apart). Van der Waals forces are concerned solely with the distance between two bodies and are unaffected by environmental factors. Therefore, the method by which the spider adheres to the wall can be replicated in the production of materials such as paper notes that can stick when wet and spacesuits that can adhere to surfaces in space. (These hairs are not only found on spiders. It emerged from one study performed in 2002 that geckoes also adhere to surfaces using van der Waals forces.) For a spider to walk on the ceiling is as much a great ability as it is astonishing. Even more surprising is the way this ability depends on 600,000 fine hairs. There are an average of 100,000 hairs on the human head, yet there are six times this number on the sole of the spider's foot, so many times smaller than the human head. The fact that so many minute hairs have been located in such a small area reveals the existence of a marvel of micro-design. It is also striking the way that these hairs are not just anywhere on the spider's body, but on the soles of its feet. The genetic information for the structure of these hairs is in the spider's DNA and the cells in the sole produce the hairs in accordance with this design plan.It is of course impossible for a spider to have come up with this design itself. No spider can think of applying the van der Waals forces by performing electrostatic measurements in order to walk on ceilings. Neither can it produce hairs on its feet itself. It is clear that all this has been specially designed in the light of a specific purpose. Indeed, the name of the journal in which the study in question was published is an excellent indication of this: Smart Materials and Structures, 19 April, 2004. The concept of "smart materials" is one by which scientists aiming to resolve difficulties encountered in the industrial arena under inspiration from the design in nature describe the materials they use in the search to develop products with as few problems as possible.[*] The way that scientists setting out with that intent analyze and make use of the spider foot in their research is a clear sign that it contains an intelligent design. Therefore, the spider's ability to walk on ceilings also emerges as the product of a special creation. There is no doubt that it is God, the Lord of the worlds, Who created the spider and bestowed the ability to walk on ceilings on it. God reveals in one verse from the Qur'an: God created every animal from water. Some of them go on their bellies, some of them on two legs, and some on four. God creates whatever He wills. God has power over all things. (Qur'an, 24:45)
assalamualaikum..Have long time i didnt jot down something in my blog.....and very long long time i didnt wrote something in my beloved diary untill lasat night...yup last someting most important...something that i shouldnt forget..I make big mistake before...i shouldnt think like that about him..i suppose to believe him...yup...he's PASS..!! plz pray for our future....amin ya rabb!!